Cotton Expressions T-Shirts are worn by people of all stripes.

Send us your picture wearing one of our T-shirts and we'll post it in our people gallery!
Justin Bieber in Vogue webpage
Photo: Backgrid

Everyone, including Justin Bieber, loves wearing Cotton Expressions’ popular, glow-in-the-dark “Starry Night” Einstein T-Shirt! This striking people gallery photo of Justin is featured in a recent article written by Liana Satenstein.

Eric Scerri, PhD, Professor of Chemistry at UCLA. Dr. Scerri helped ensure that both of our Periodic Table t-shirts were accurate. He has published a number of books on the elements and the Periodic Table

Filmed, produced by Katherine Wells, Flora Lichtman

One notable person was Oliver Sacks who can be seen in this video from Science Friday talking about his desk while wearing our Periodic Noir T-shirt:

Oliver Sacks Periodic Noir

Oliver Sacks wearing our Periodic Noir t-shirt at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Oliver is holding a piece of iridium next to Ahnighito, an iridium-rich, 34-ton iron meteorite. Photo taken by Theodore Gray while on a field trip with Oliver Sacks.

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